Maps.me Location
This is our correct location on maps.me. We are working to get the incorrect ones removed, but in the meantime, hopefully having this link helps. Click on the image on the left, or scan this QR code with your phone to go to our location on maps.me!
Directions to Zhilam Hostel 到达旅馆的方式
The hostel is located in the village of Bai Tu Kan 白土坎 (or “Bei Tuo Kan” in the local Sichuan dialect). We chose this local farming village for its charming paths, quiet ambiance, and unprecedented views of Kangding. Unfortunately, the village has almost all changed from beautiful old Chinese stone homes to cement buildings since we got the property in 2007! The hostel location though, still offers one of the best vantage points for taking in a panoramic view of two of the three mountains that enclose the Kangding valley and includes the best lighting for warmth. Directly opposite the hostel is Kangding’s famous mountain, PaoMa Shan. PaoMa Shan is visible from all rooms of the hostel. Although located out of the town itself, it is only a quick walk down the hill to the main streets of the city.
If you ever have any trouble at all finding our hostel or getting up here, please call the front desk +86 (0836) 2831100 right away and we will help you!
如果您找不到我们的具体位置,请致电电台电话+86 (0836) 2831100,我们将尽快给您提供帮助。
Taxi 出租车
Please print or take a picture of our address and show it to a taxi driver: 四川省 甘孜藏族自治州 康定县 白土坎村, 汇道客栈 ,626000. The usual charge for a taxi to Bai Tu Kan 白土坎 is 10-15 RMB. They will not use the meter. A taxi is the best way to come to our hostel, as you will not need to walk up the hill! The taxi will drop you off along the village road before the hostel because it is difficult for them to turn around in front of the hostel. When you get dropped off, just walk straight forward down the road you came in on and you will see the hostel right in front of you before a steep switchback down the hill.
请将我们的地址打印出来或者拍照给出租车司机看:四川省 甘孜藏族自治州 康定县 白土坎村, 汇道客栈 ,626000。通常,乘坐出租车到白土坎大约10-15元,他们会打表计算。乘坐出租车来我们客栈是最佳选择,不用自己爬山。出租车会将你放在我们客栈前方的村路边。因为客栈门口掉头比较困难。下车后,沿着进来的方向直走,一个之字形陡坡下方就是我们的客栈。
Please download and print this map for help. It takes about half an hour from the bus station.
Bus 公交车
From the Kangding bus station where you get off your bus, take city bus number 1 or 2 to the LiuLiu Cheng stop. The bus costs 1 RMB/person. At this stop is the Himalaya Coffee shop and a large bridges with statues. From there follow the walking map up to our hostel. This will save you about half of the walking time from the bus station.
If you figure this out, let us know. This does seem the most energy efficient.