Lesson 40 Respecting Local Culture 第40课:尊重当地文化

Study the text below, then practice what you’ve learned by playing the game below here on the website. You may also log into your quizlet account using the “Quizlet Login” button to compete with the other staff members for weekly competitions. Once you’ve completed the game, practice some more with the activities at the end of this lesson!

学习下面的文字,然后通过下面的游戏在网站上练习你学到的东西。您还可以使用 “Quizlet Login” 按钮登录到您的quizlet帐户,以便与其他员工竞争每周的比赛。一旦你完成了游戏,在本课结束时练习更多的活动。

New Vocabulary 新单词

Birth 出生 chū shēng

Enlightenment 开悟 kāi wù

Death 死亡 sǐ wáng

Spin 旋转 xuán zhuǎn

Prayer wheel 祈祷轮 qí dǎo lún

Count 计数 jì shù

Prayer beads 念珠 niàn zhū

Prostrate 俯伏 fǔ fú

Hit 击打 jī dǎ

Juniper 杜松子 dù sōng zǐ

Beggars 乞丐 qǐ gài

Fire  huǒ

Remember 请记得

Many people visit the monasteries on special days.  They walk around the monasteries.  They spin their prayer wheels and count their prayer beads.  They carry butter lamps with them into the monasteries and put butter in the butter lamps inside.  Some people prostrate in the monastery.  Most people walk through it very quietly.

很多人会在特殊的日子里到寺庙里朝拜。 他们会在寺庙周围走动,转动他们的祈祷轮,手里数着念珠。他们会把酥油放在酥油灯里带着去寺庙。一些人会在寺庙里跪拜。大部分的人会安静的走过去。

hěn duō rén huì zài tè shū dí rì zǐ lǐ dào sì miào lǐ zhāo bài   tā mén huì zài sì miào zhōu wéi zǒu dòng zhuǎn dòng tā mén dí qí dǎo lún shǒu lǐ shù zhuó niàn zhū tā mén huì bǎ sū yóu fàng zài sū yóu dēng lǐ dài zhuó qù sì miào yī xiē rén huì zài sì miào lǐ guì bài dà bù fēn dí rén huì ān jìng dí zǒu guò qù

Conversation 对话

Try to respect the local culture.  尽量尊重本地的文化。jìn liáng zūn zhòng běn dì dí wén huà

Do not point with your index finger. 不要用你的食指随便乱指。bù yào yòng nǐ dí shí zhǐ suí biàn luàn zhǐ

Do not step over important objects. 不要从很重要的物品上跨过去。bù yào cóng hěn zhòng yào dí wù pǐn shàng kuà guò qù

Do not go around the prayer wheels the wrong way. 不要让祈祷论以错误的方向转。bù yào ràng qí dǎo lùn yǐ cuò wù dí fāng xiàng zhuǎn。

Show respect to monks & nuns. 对僧侣和尼姑表示尊重。duì sēng lǚ hé ní gū biǎo shì zūn zhòng

Leave gifts when you are shown hospitality. 当你要表示热情好客时,要留下一些 礼物。dāng nǐ yào biǎo shì rè qíng hǎo kè shí,yào liú xià yī xiē lǐ wù

During which holiday do Tibetans celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and death of Sakyamuni Buddha?   


zài nǎ xiē jié rì zhōng cáng zú rén huì qìng zhù shì jiā mó ní dí chū shēng kāi wù hé sǐ wáng

When is this holiday on the Tibetan calendar?


zài cáng zú dí rì lì zhōng nǎ xiē rì zǐ shì jié rì

What do many Tibetans carry when they walk around the city?   


dāng cáng zú rén rào chéng xíng zǒu shí tā mén huì dài xiē shí me wù pǐn

What do they do with the prayer wheel?   


tā mén yòng qí dǎo lún zuò shí me shì qíng  

What do they do the prayer beads?    


tā mén ná niàn zhū zuò shí me shì qíng  

People prostrate around the city of Lhasa.  Where else do they prostrate?


rén mén huì huán rào lā sà shì fǔ fú guì bài huán yǒu nǎ xiē dì fāng tā mén huì fǔ fú guì bài dí

Practice Activities 练习活动

Listen to the conversation.  Can you answer the tourist’s questions?


qǐng tīng xià miàn dí duì huà nǐ néng huí dá yóu kè dí wèn tí me

Tourist: Where are all those people going?


yóu kè zhè xiē rén yào qù nǎ lǐ ní

Guide: This month is Sakadawa


dǎo yóu zhè gè yuè shì yù fó jié

Tourist: What does that mean?


yóu kè nà shì shí me yì sī ní

Guide: This month Tibetans are celebrating the birth, enlightenment, and death of Sakyamuni Buddha.


dǎo yóu zài zhè gè yuè cáng zú rén huì qìng zhù shì jiā móu ní dí chū shēng kāi wù hé sǐ wáng

Tourist: Really?  But, where are they all going?


yóu kè zhēn dí me dàn shì tā mén yào qù nǎ lǐ ní

Guide: They are walking around the city.


dǎo yóu tā mén huì rào zhuó chéng shì xíng zǒu

Tourist: Really?  Why?


yóu kè zhēn dí me wéi shí me

Guide: Well . . .


dǎo yóu zhè gè

Tourist: Almost all of them are spinning prayer wheels and counting prayer beads, too.


yóu kè tā mén zhōng dí dà bù fēn yě zài zhuǎn dòng qí dǎo zhū hé shù niàn zhū

Guide: Yes. Tibetans believe . . .


dǎo yóu shì dí cáng zú rén xiāng xìn …

Tourist: People are prostrating right across the street, and the cars are going slowly so that they won’t hit anyone.

游客:人们在接到中间俯伏跪拜, 车辆都走的很慢,因此,他们不会彼此相撞。

yóu kè rén mén zài jiē dào zhōng jiān fǔ fú guì bài   chē liàng dū zǒu dí hěn màn yīn cǐ tā mén bù huì bǐ cǐ xiāng zhuàng

Guide: Yes, and look over there.  People are putting tsampa and juniper on the fire. 


dǎo yóu shì dí kàn nà biān rén mén bǎ zān bā hé dù sōng zǐ fàng jìn huǒ lǐ  

Tourist: And people are also giving a lot of money to beggars.  This is very interesting.  Why are they doing all this?


yóu kè rén mén gěi qǐ gài hěn duō qián zhè fēi cháng yǒu qù wéi shí me tā mén yào zhè yàng zuò ní ?

Guide: Let me explain . . .


dǎo yóu ràng wǒ lái jiě shì yī xià