Lesson 24 How was Your Day? 第24课:今天过的怎么样?


Study the text below, then practice what you’ve learned by playing the game below here on the website. You may also log into your quizlet account using the “Quizlet Login” button to compete with the other staff members for weekly competitions. Once you’ve completed the game, practice some more with the activities at the end of this lesson!

学习下面的文字,然后通过下面的游戏在网站上练习你学到的东西。您还可以使用 “Quizlet Login” 按钮登录到您的quizlet帐户,以便与其他员工竞争每周的比赛。一旦你完成了游戏,在本课结束时练习更多的活动。

New Vocabulary 新单词

Interesting 有趣的  yǒu qù de

Market 市场 shì cháng  

Monastery 寺庙 sì miào

Fabulous 极好的 jí hǎo de

Smiling 微笑 wēi xiào

Frowning 皱眉头 zhòu méi tóu

Exceptions 期望 qī wàng

Enjoyable 享受 xiǎng shòu

Fascinating 吸引人的  xī yǐn rén de

Conversation 对话

How was your day? 今天过的怎么样?jīn tiān guò dí zěn me yang?

It was interesting. 非常有趣。fēi cháng yǒu qù。

What did you do?你做了什么呢?nǐ zuò liǎo shí me ne?

We went to the market. 我们去了市场。wǒ mén qù le shì cháng。

We visited monasteries. 我们参观了寺庙。wǒ mén cān guān le sì miào。

We went horseback riding. 我们去骑马了。wǒ mén qù qí mǎ le。

We saw yaks. 我们看到了牦牛。wǒ mén kàn dào le máo niú。

We hiked to the top of that mountain. 我们爬到了山顶。wǒ mén pá dào le shān dǐng。

We saw a sky burial.我们看到了一场天葬。wǒ mén pá dào le shān dǐng。

We drank Tibetan butter tea with some nomads.我们和一些藏族牧民一起喝了酥油茶。wǒ mén hé yī xiē cáng zú mù mín yī qǐ hē le sū yóu chá。

Remember 请记得

You are discussing the day you already had.  So you need to use the past tense.  Most often to use the past tense you add “ed” to the end of the word you are using.  For example:


nǐ mén shì zài tǎo lùn yǐ jīng fā shēng guò dí yī tiān yīn cǐ nǐ xū yào shǐ yòng guò qù shí tōng cháng qíng kuàng xià guò qù shí shì zài nǐ suǒ shǐ yòng dí dòng cí hòu miàn jiā shàng ed jǔ gè lì zǐ:

Question:  What did you order?           Answer:  I ordered chicken and rice. 

问题:你点了什么?                         回答:我点了鸡肉和米饭。

wèn tí nǐ diǎn liǎo shí me?           huí dá wǒ diǎn liǎo jī ròu hé mǐ fàn。

Question:  How far did you walk?       Answer:  We walked 3 kilometers. 

问题:你走路要多久?                    回答:我走路要3公里。

wèn tí nǐ zǒu lù yào duō jiǔ?        huí dá wǒ zǒu lù yào 3 gōng lǐ。

However, there are always exceptions.  Here is a list of exceptions:


rán ér yě yǒu bù tóng xún cháng dí shí hòu zhè lǐ yǒu yī gè lì wài dí liè biǎo

Irregular Verbs 不规则动词 bù guī zé dòng cí

    Is/are     shì     Was/were

    Do          zuò    Did

    See         kàn    Saw

    Go                 Went

    Have      yǒu    Had

    Find       zhǎo  Found

Practice Activities 练习活动

Answers:  As a class, think of all the possible ways to answer the question, “How was your day?”  Describe. Talk through each word in case someone does not understand the meaning. Also practice your pronunciation on each word. 


huí dá zuò wéi yī gè bān jí sī kǎo huí dá zhè gè wèn tí dí suǒ yǒu fāng shì nǐ jīn tiān guò dí zěn me yàng miáo shù yī xià tǎo lùn yī xià měi gè dān cí yǐ fáng yī xiē rén bù lǐ jiě tā dí yì sī yě zài měi gè dān cí shàng liàn xí yī xià fā yīn

Practice:  Practice pronouncing and using these words in a conversation by having conversations with your partner.  Use the sample conversation above.  Remember that your face expresses the words you are saying.  If you say that you had a “fabulous” day, then you would be smiling, not frowning!


liàn xí liàn xí fā yīn shǐ yòng zhè xiē dān cí hé nǐ dí tóng bàn jìn xíng duì huà kě yǐ shǐ yòng shàng miàn gěi chū dí duì huà lì zǐ jì dé nǐ dí miàn bù biǎo qíng yě huì chuán dá chū nǐ suǒ shuō dān cí dí yì sī rú guǒ nǐ shuō nǐ yōng yǒu yī gè “ fēi cháng hǎo ” dí yī tiān nǐ huì wēi xiào ér bù shì zhòu zhuó méi tóu

Homework:  Think of 4 questions you could ask people about their day.  For example: 


jiā tíng zuò yè xiǎng chū 4 gè nǐ kě yǐ wèn rén mén tā mén guò dé rú hé dí wèn tí jǔ gè lì zǐ

How was your day? /What did you do? How was your lunch? /What did you have for lunch?  Take this list and ask 5 people these 4 questions tonight.  Write their answers in English and bring them back to the next class.


nǐ jīn tiān guò dé zěn me yàng nǐ jīn tiān zuò liǎo shí me yā nǐ dí wǔ cān hǎo me nǐ wǔ cān chī liǎo shí me ná zhuó zhè gè qīng dān jīn wǎn xiàng wǔ gè rén wèn yī xià zhè 4 gè wèn tí bǎ tā mén dí wèn tí yòng yīng yǔ xiě xià lái xià cì kè dí shí hòu dài guò lái