Lesson 17 Gear Rental 第17课:装备租赁


Study the text below, then practice what you’ve learned by playing the game below here on the website. You may also log into your quizlet account using the “Quizlet Login” button to compete with the other staff members for weekly competitions. Once you’ve completed the game, practice some more with the activities at the end of this lesson!

学习下面的文字,然后通过下面的游戏在网站上练习你学到的东西。您还可以使用 “Quizlet Login” 按钮登录到您的quizlet帐户,以便与其他员工竞争每周的比赛。一旦你完成了游戏,在本课结束时练习更多的活动。

New Vocabulary 新单词
Hiking equipment 徒步旅行设 tú bù lǚ xíng shè bèi 

Rent some gear 租装备 zū zhuāng bèi 

Borrow 借 jiè 

Camp stove 手提炉 shǒu tí lú 

Stove gas tank 煤气罐 méi qì guàn 

Tent 帐篷 zhàng péng 

Sleeping bag 睡袋 shuì dài 

Ground pad 地垫 dì diàn 

Oxygen bottle 氧气瓶 yǎng qì píng 

Rain cover for my backpack 背包防雨罩 bèi bāo fáng yǔ zhào 

Hat 帽子 mào zǐ 

Coat 外套 wài tào 

Gloves 手套 shǒu tào 

Boots 长靴 cháng xuē 

Rain coat 雨衣 yǔ yī  

Conversation 对话
Guest:  I would like to rent some hiking equipment.  Do you know how I can rent some gear? 


kè ré wǒ xiǎng zū yī xiē tú bù lǚ xíng shè bè nǐ zhī dào zěn me zū má   

Reservation:  We rent hiking equipment from our hostel.  What kind of gear would you like?  Would you like to see our gear room? 


yù dìng chǔ  wǒ mén kè zhàn tí gōng zū lì nǐ yào zū nǎ zhǒng zhuāng bèi ní  nǐ kě yǐ lái wǒ mén dí zhuāng bèi shì kàn kà 

Guest:  How much does it cost to rent a tent for 3 days? 


kè ré yī gè zhàng péng zū sān tiān shì duō shǎo qián ní   

Reservation:  We have different kinds of tents.  We have a tent for 100/day and we have a tent for 150/day.  What kind of tent would you like? 


yù dìng chǔ  wǒ mén yǒu bù tóng lèi xíng dí zhàng péng  yǒu 100 yuán / tiān dí  yě yǒu 150 yuán / tiān dí  nín xiǎng yào nǎ zhǒng   

Guest:  I dont know, can I see the different tents? 


kè ré wǒ bù zhī dà wǒ kě yǐ kàn kàn yǒu shí me bù tóng má   

Reservation:  Sure, lets go down to the gear room together and look at them so you can decide.   


yù dìng chǔ  dāng rá wǒ mén yī qǐ qù xià miàn dí zhuāng bèi shì bā  zhè yàng nǐ kàn liǎo yǐ hòu hǎo jué dìng zū nǎ yī zhǒng 

Practice Activities 练习活动

Role play a guest who wants to rent different hiking equipment.  Have one person ask questions on how much things cost.  Have another person answer the questions.  Take students down to the gear room and quiz them over the names of everything that is for sale and for rent. 


jiǎo sè bàn yǎ ràng yī gè rén bàn yǎn xiǎng zū zhuāng bèi dí kè ré wèn zū zhè xiē zhuāng bèi dí fèi yòng  rán hòu lìng wài yī gè rén huí dá  ràng xué shēng mén yī qǐ xià qù zhuāng bèi shì  kǎo kǎo tā mén shì fǒu yǐ jīng jì zhù liǎo měi gè yào mǎi dí hé yào zū dí zhuāng bèi dí míng zì