Lesson 12 Weather Conditions 第12课: 天气境况


Study the text below, then practice what you’ve learned by playing the game below here on the website. You may also log into your quizlet account using the “Quizlet Login” button to compete with the other staff members for weekly competitions. Once you’ve completed the game, practice some more with the activities at the end of this lesson!

学习下面的文字,然后通过下面的游戏在网站上练习你学到的东西。您还可以使用 “Quizlet Login” 按钮登录到您的quizlet帐户,以便与其他员工竞争每周的比赛。一旦你完成了游戏,在本课结束时练习更多的活动。

New Vocabulary 新单词
Snow 雪 xuě 

Sunburn 晒伤 shài shāng 

Warm 暖和 nuǎn hé 

Cold 冷 lěng 

Windy 刮风 guā fēng 

Cloudy 多云/阴天 yīn tiān 

Rainy下雨 xià yǔ

Sunny 晴朗 qíng lǎng 

Dry 干燥 gān zào 

Icy 结冰 jié biīng

Fog 雾 wù 

Wet season 雨季 yǔ jì 

Clear/clear up 清晰/放晴 qīng xī / fàng qíng  

Thunder 打雷 dǎ léi 

Lightning 闪电 shǎn diàn 

Regret 后悔/遗憾/抱歉 hòu huǐ /yí hàn /bào qiàn 

Delayed 延误 yán wù 

Weather conditions 天气状况 tiān qì zhuàng kuàng 

Extremes 极端 jí duān 

Winter 冬天 dōng tiān 

Spring 春天 chūn tiān 

Summer 夏天 xià tiān 

Fall/ Autumn 秋天 qiū tiān 

Conversation 对话
Useful phrases to tell a tourist: 告知游客的一些实用短语: gào zhī yóu kè dí yī xiē shí yòng duǎn yǔ : 


Kangding has extreme weather.   Be prepared for getting sunburnt and for getting snowed on! 


kāng dìng dí tiān qì yǒu xiē jí duā qǐng yù fáng bèi shài shāng huò zhě yù dào xià xuě tiān qì  

It is best to visit YaJiaGein on a clear day so that you can see the snow mountains.   


zuì hǎo zài qíng tiān qù yǎ lā xuě shā zhè yàng nǐ kě yǐ kàn dào xuě shā 

Right now it is rainy, but I think it is going to clear up this afternoon. 


gāng cái xià yǔ liǎ dàn shì wǒ xiǎng xià wǔ dí shí hòu jiù fàng qíng liǎ  

Dont forget to take an umbrella. 


bié wàng liǎo dài sǎn。

At the hostel, it can feel very warm, but up high or down in town it may be very windy & cold. 


zài kè zhà huì bǐ jiào nuǎn hé  dàn shì qù zhèn zǐ shàng huò zhě huí lái dí shí hò huì yǒu guā fēng bǐ jiào lěng  

We regret to tell you that due to bad weather conditions and snow on the pass, your flight will not be leaving today. 


wǒ mén hěn bào qiàn dí tōng zhī nín, yóu yú tiān qì tiáo jiàè liè, pǎo dào shàng yǒu xuě nín dí háng bān jīn tiān bù néng qǐ fēi 

It has just snowed, and the roads are dangerous (and very icy).  Traveling over the pass today may be dangerous.  I recommend you wait a day. 


gāng gāng xià xuě liǎ lù miàn hěn wēi xiǎ jié bīng liǎ  jīn tiān lǚ xíng huì bǐ jiào wēi xiǎ jiàn yì nín zài děng yī tiā  

Practice Activities 练习活动

Describe:  Describe the weather in Kangding throughout the year to a partner.  Describe the weather in your hometown during the summer. 


miáo shù  xiàng nǐ dí tóng bàn xíng róng yī xià yī nián dāng zhōng  guān yú kāng dìng dí tiān qì  xíng róng yī xià nǐ dí jiā xiāng xià tiān dí tiān qì qíng kuàng   


Role Play:  Break up into groups of 3.  The teachers will assign a different transport to each group.  In your group practice writing out making travel delay announcements to your group of tourists. 


jiǎo sè bàn yǎ fēn chéng 3 gè xiǎo zǔ  lǎo shī wéi měi yī gè zǔ fēn pài yī gè bù tóng dí jiāo tōng gōng jù  zài nǐ dí xiǎo zǔ zhōng  liàn xí wéi nǐ zǔ lǐ dí yóu kè xiě xià xíng chéng tuī chí dí tōng zhī  

Remember tourists may not be cooperative when delays occur.   Try and announce delays in a positive and helpful tone.  You want to make the announcement so the tourists will not panic or be agitated. 


jì zhù,dāng dé zhī xíng chéng tuī chí dí shí hòu , yóu kè kě néng bù huì hěn hǎo dí pèi hé 。 suǒ yǐ , yào shì zhuó yòng jī jí dí 、 jù yǒu bāng zhù xìng dí kǒu wěn jiě shì tuī chí dí yuán yīn 。 nǐ dí tōng zhī nèi róng yào ràng yóu kè bù jīng huāng , bù shēng qì 。 

Seasons:  Break up into groups of 4.   In each group write down the different seasons that occur in your hometown. Write each season in a different box.  Under each season list all the weather conditions that occur during that season.  If there is space left in the box write out short sentences to announce weather conditions and weather delays. If you do not have space, take out sheet of paper and write them there. 


jì jié  fēn chéng 4 zǔ  měi gè zǔ dū xiě xià nǐ dí jiā xiāng sì jì dí biàn huà  jiāng měi gè jì jié xiě dào yǐ xià bù tóng dí kuàng lǐ zài měi gè jì jié xià miàn liè chū zài zhè gè jì jié dí tiān qì zhuàng kuàng  rú guǒ kōng jiān gòu dí huà  huán kě yǐ yòng duǎn jù zǐ xiě gè tiān qì qíng kuàng tōng zhī hé yóu yú tiān qì yǐn qǐ dí yán wù  rú guǒ kōng jiān bù gòu dí huà  zhòng xīn ná yī zhāng zhǐ xiě zài shàng mià